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Greek Names

These names were used in ancient Greece. See also about Ancient Greek names. ..... Latinized form of the Greek name Agapetos


Here are some Greek names that we went over when we were naming our baby. We had a hard time but were happy when we found the perfect Greek name.

  • AGRIPPAS:  Greek name meaning "wild horse." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the Herod Agrippa who ordered the execution of the apostle James, and the imprisonment of Peter.
  • PANAGIOTA:  Feminine form of Greek Panagiotis, meaning "all-holy."
  • KALLIGENEIA:  Greek name composed of the elements kallos "beauty" and genes "born," hence "beauty-born." In mythology, this is the name of the nymph nurse of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone.

  • KERBEROS:  Greek name meaning "demon of the pit." In mythology, this is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. 
  • ALEKTO:  Greek name meaning "unceasing." In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the Furies (Gr. Erinyes, Eumenides). Virgil named two others: Megaira "grudge," and Tisiphone "murder-retribution."
  • DEMON:  Ancient Greek name derived from the word demos, meaning "the people."
  • IOSIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Yoshiyah, meaning "whom Jehovah heals." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah. 
  • LYSIMACHE:  Feminine form of Greek Lysimachos, meaning "freedom fighter."
  • BEELZEBOUL:  Greek form of Hebrew Ba'al-Zebuwb ("lord of the fly"), meaning "lord of dung." In the New Testament bible, this is a name for Satan, the prince of evil spirits. 
  • CHRISTOPHOROS:  Greek name composed of the name Christos "Christ" and the word phero "to bear," hence "Christ-bearer."
  • AELLÔ:  Greek name meaning "storm wind; whirlwind." In Greek mythology, this is the name of an Amazon warrior who was killed by Herakles. She was known for wielding a double-axe. 
  • KYRA:  Feminine form of Greek Kyros, meaning "like the sun." 
  • CHRYSANTHE:  Feminine form of Greek Chrysanthos, meaning "golden flower."
  • KORINA: Variant spelling of Greek Korinna, meaning "maiden."
  • PTOLEMA: Feminine form of Greek Ptolemy, meaning "aggressive, warlike."
  • KASTOR:  Greek name meaning "beaver." In mythology, Castor/Kastor and Pollux/Polydeukes ("very sweet") are the twin sons of Leda and are known as the Gemini twins.
  • SOPHOS:  Greek name meaning "clever, skilled."
  • MEGAIRA:  Greek name meaning "grudge." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Furies (Erinyes). Virgil named two others: Alekto"unceasing" and Tisiphone "murder-retribution."
  • APOLLON:  Greek myth name of a god of archery, healing, light, poetry, prophecy, music, and the sun. He is the son of Zeus and Lêtô, and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the hunt and moon. According to Æschylus, the name comes from apollumi, meaning "to destroy," hence "the destroyer." 
  • SATYRION:  Greek myth name of the nymph mother of Tarasios, meaning "hairy one (satyr)." This is also the name of an ancient aphrodisiac made from ragwort.
  • BALTAZAR: Variant spelling of Greek Baltasar, meaning "Ba'al protect the king."
  • PRAXIS:  Greek name meaning "practice," "exercise," or "action."

  • TAKIS:  Short form of Greek Panagiotakis, meaning "all-holy."
  • POLYDEUKES:  Greek name composed of the elements polys "much" and deukes "sweet," hence "very sweet." In mythology, Castor ("beaver") andPollux are the twin sons of Leda and are known as the Gemini twins.
  • THETIS:  Greek name meaning "one who places." In mythology, this is the name of a sea goddess, one of the fifty Nereids.
  • NARKISSOS:  Greek name possibly derived from the word narke, meaning "numbness; sleep." In mythology, this is the name of a vain youth who fell in love with his own reflection and eventually was turned into a kind of lily or daffodil flower known as the narkissos. 
  • ANTHEIA:  Greek name meaning "flower." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of flowers, gardens, love, marshes, and swamps. She was worshiped on Crete.
  • PANAGIOTIS:  Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and hagios "holy," hence "all-holy."
  • HERMIONE:  Greek name derived from the name of the god Hermês, meaning "of the earth." In mythology, this is the name of the daughter of Menelaos and Helén.
  • PHILETOS:  Greek name meaning "beloved." In the bible, this is the name of a heretic.
  • PROCHOROS:  Greek name meaning "leader of the dance." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons chosen by the church at Jerusalem.
  • HAEMON:  Variant spelling of Greek Haimon, meaning "bloody." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Kreon and Eurydike.
  • THEODOSIOS:  Greek name composed of the elements theos "god" and dosis "giving," hence "god-giving."
  • EUTYCHIOS:  Greek name derived from the word eutyches, meaning "fortunate."
  • The name Midas is said to be Phrygian, and of unknown etymology. It might share the same origin as Hebrew Midrash, meaning "to repeat," especially in order to make an impression on the mind. Midrash refers to the methods used (including repetition) in Old Testament stories for fixing morals in the mind. 
  • BARAK:  Greek form of Hebrew Baraq, meaning "flash of lightning." In the bible, this is the name of a commander of the Israelites. 
  • EILEITHYIA:  Greek name derived from the word eleluthyia, meaning "relieve." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of childbirth. Her Latin name is Lucina.
  • NIKOLA (Cyrillic: ): A derivative of Greek Nikolaos, meaning "victor of the people." In wide use throughout Europe: Basque Country, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia.
  • EUSTAKHIOS:  Greek name derived from the word eustakhys, composed of eu "good" and stakhys "grapes," hence "good grapes," i.e. "fruitful."
  • IOUSTOS:  Greek form of Latin Justus, meaning "fair, just." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a Christian at Corinth with whom Paul lodged. 
  • NEMESIS:  Greek name meaning "retribution; righteous anger." In mythology, this is the name of the goddess of justice and vengeance.
  • KOSMAS: Variant spelling of Greek Kosmos, meaning "beauty, order."
  • EIRENAIOS:  Ancient Greek name meaning "peaceful."
  • BLASIOS: Greek form of Roman Latin Blasius, meaning "talks with a lisp."
  • XANTHÊ:  Greek name derived from the word xanthos, meaning "blonde, yellow." In mythology, this is the name of an Oceanid, water nymphs presiding over the fresh waters. It is also the name of an Amazon.
  • ADRASTOS:  Greek name meaning "inescapable" or "not running away." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Argos.

  • OURIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Uwriyah, meaning "light of Jehovah" or "my light is Jehovah." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the husband of Bathsheba. 
  • EUMELIA:  Ancient Greek name derived from the word eumeleia, meaning "melody."
  • ALKIPPE:  Greek name meaning "mighty mare." In mythology, this was the name of a daughter of Ares.
  • THANATOS:  Greek myth name of a god of death, meaning "death."
  • ESAU:  Greek form of Hebrew Esav, meaning "hairy." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Isaac and Rebekah, the twin brother of Jacob.
  • SAPPHIRA:  Greek name meaning "sapphire." In the bible, this is the name of the wife of Ananias.
  • SOSTRATE:  Feminine form of Greek Sostratos, meaning "safe army."
  • REAH: Variant spelling of Greek Rhea, meaning "ease, flow."
  • HELÉN:  Greek name probably derived from the word helén, meaning "torch." In mythology, this is the name of the most beautiful woman ever to exist whose abduction by Paris caused the Trojan war.
  • PAION:  Greek name meaning "healer." In mythology, this is the name of a physician god.
  • BALIOS:  Greek name meaning "dappled, piebald." In mythology, this is the name of one of two immortal horses (the other named Xanthos) who drew the chariot of Achilles during the Trojan war. They were the offspring of the harpy Podarge and the west wind Zephyros.
  • TELAMON:  Greek myth name of the father of Ajax, possibly meaning "support."
  • AETON: Greek myth name of one Pluto's night-black steeds, usually rendered "swift as an eagle."
  • IOSES:  Greek name meaning "exalted." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a brother of Jesus.
  • KHARON:  Greek name meaning "fierce brightness." In mythology, this is the name of the ferryman of Hades who ferries the dead across the river Acheron.
  • AKTAION: Greek myth name of a hunter who was torn to pieces by his own dogs, meaning "effulgence." He was then transformed into a deer, thus himself becoming the hunted. 
  • THERISTÍS: Greek name meaning "mowing month," referring to the month of June.
  • CHLO:  Greek name meaning "green shoot." In mythology, this is a surname of the goddess Demeter. In the New Testament bible, this name is mentioned by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:11. Also spelled Khloe.
  • AGLAIE:  Variant spelling of Greek Aglaia, the myth name of one of the three Graces, meaning "beauty, splendor."

  • KHTHONIOS:  Greek name derived from the word khthonios, meaning "of the earth (especially the inner earth, i.e. underworld)." In mythology, this is an epithet applied to Hermês and Zeus. It is the masculine form of Khthonia.
  • EFSTATHIOS: Variant spelling of Greek Eustathios, meaning "good standing."
  • MELAINA:  Variant spelling of Greek Melaine, meaning "black, dark." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad Nymph of springs.
  • DEMOGORGON: Greek myth name of a god of the underworld, thought to be a name for Satan, possibly composed of the Greek elements daimon"demon, devil" and gorgos "grim," hence "grim demon."
  • APOLLYN:  Greek name meaning "destroyer." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the angel-prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth. He is also known by the name Abaddn.
  • FOTIOS:  Variant spelling of Greek Photios, meaning "light."
  • EREBOS:  Greek name, probably borrowed from Hebrew erebh or Akkadian erebu ("sunset, evening"), hence "darkness." In mythology, this is the name of the offspring of Chaos, brother of Nyx, and father of Aither. He is the personification of primordial darkness. In later legends Erebosbecame the name of a place in Haides, the underworld. 
  • THAÏS:  Greek name, possibly meaning "bandage." This was the name of a famous Greek hetaera who lived during the time of Alexander the Great and accompanied him on his campaigns.
  • MATTATHIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Mattithyah, meaning "gift of God." In the bible, this is the name of one of Christ's ancestors.
  • IÔ:  Greek name meaning "the moon." In mythology, this is the name of a priestess of Hêrâ who was loved by Zeus. It is also the name of a moon of Jupiter. 
  • LAMIA: Greek myth name of an evil spirit who abducts and devours children, meaning "large shark." The name means "vampire" in Latin and "fiend" in Arabic.
  • THMAS:  Greek form of Aramaic Tau'ma, meaning "twin." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of one of the twelve apostles. He is referred to as "Thomas, called Didymos," his surname.
  • ELPIDA: Feminine form of Greek Elpidios, meaning "hope."
  • ETON: Variant spelling of Greek Aeton, meaning "swift as an eagle." In mythology, this is the name of one of Pluto's four night-black steeds.
  • PYTHEOS: Variant spelling of Greek Pythios, possibly meaning "to rot." 
  • DIOKLES:  Greek name composed of the elements Dios "god, Zeus" and kleos "glory," hence "glory of Zeus."

  • RHAMA:  Greek form of Hebrew Ramah, meaning "a lofty place." In the bible, this is the name of a town of the tribe of Benjamin.
  • APPHIA:  Greek name meaning "fruitful, increasing." In the bible, this is the name of Phrygian woman. 
  • DORIEUS: Greek name derived from the name of an obscure, ancient Hellenic tribe called the Dorians, hence "of the Dorian tribe." The Dorians were supposed to have existed in the north-eastern regions of Greece, ancient Macedonia and Epirus. Their founder was Doros, son of Hellen. 
  • ELENI: Variant spelling of Greek Elene, possibly meaning "torch."
  • PANDAROS:  Variant form of Greek Pantheras, meaning "all-hunter," i.e. "panther." In mythology, this is the name of the betrayer of the Greeks who hurled a lance at Menelaos, breaking a solemn oath.
  • KORINNA:  A derivative of Greek Kore, meaning "maiden."
  • THOUKUDÍDÊS: : Greek name composed of the elements theou "of god" and kydos "glory," hence "glory of God."
  • HYMENAIOS:  Greek name meaning "bridal song" or "wedding song." In mythology, this is the name of a god of marriage.
  • ABADDN:  Greek name derived from Hebrew abaddown, meaning "destruction, ruination." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the place of destruction. And it is a name given to the angel of the bottomless pit, the Destroyer Apollyn. 
  • AMBROSIA: Feminine form of Greek Ambrosios, meaning "immortal." In Greek mythology, ambrosia is the name of a food or drink of the gods that gives them immortality.
  • DIODOROS:  Greek name composed of the elements Dios "god, Zeus" and doron "gift," hence "gift of Zeus."
  • AOIDE:  Greek name meaning "to sing." In mythology, this is the name of the one of the three original Muses before their number was increased to nine. It is also the name of a moon of Jupiter.
  • GE:  Modern form of Greek Gaia, meaning "earth." In mythology, this is the name of the goddess of earth, the wife of Ouranos and mother of the Titans.
  • HAIDES:  Greek name derived from the word aides, meaning "unseen." In mythology, this is the name of the god of the underworld, brother ofZeus and husband of Persephone. In the Greek bible, Haides is associated with Orcus, the realm of the dead, the infernal regions where disembodied spirits live, a dark and dismal place in the depths of the earth. Only later was Haides described as the grave, death, and hell. Also spelled Hads. 
  • PÊRÔ:  Greek name meaning "disabled, lame." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Nileas (Latin Neleus) and Khloris (Latin Chloris).
  • EUKLEIDES:  Greek name composed of the elements eu "good" and kleos "glory," hence "good glory."
  • LYSANDRA: Feminine form of Greek Lysandros, meaning "freer; liberator." Compare with another form of Lysandra.
  • SPYRIDOULA:  Feminine form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit."
  • ARES:  Greek myth name of the son of Zeus and Hêrâ. Identified with Roman Mars. Derived from the Greek word ares, meaning "battle strife; ruination."

  • ZROÁSTRS: Greek form of Persian Zartosht (Avestan Zarathustra) ("he whose camels are angry"), but composed of astra "stars" and zoros"undiluted," hence "pure as the stars."
  • ZENIA: Variant spelling of Greek Xenia, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)."
  • KARME:  Greek name meaning "to shear." In mythology, this is the name of a harvest goddess.
  • EVA: Greek form of Hebrew Chavvah, meaning "life." In the bible, this is the name of the first woman, the mother of the entire human family. Compare with another form of Eva.
  • MNÊMÊ:  Greek name meaning "memory." In mythology, this is the name of one of the three original Muses. 
  • NATHAM:  Greek form of Hebrew Nathan, meaning "a giver" or "given of God." In the bible, this is the name of a son of David.
  • ATTIS:  Greek name of foreign origin, probably meaning "father." In mythology, this is the name of a vegetation god, the son and consort of the Phrygian goddess Cybele. He is said to have been forced by her to castrate himself as punishment for infidelity. 
  • DIDYMOS:  Greek name meaning "two-fold, twain." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a Christian. 
  • IOLANTHE:  Greek name, apparently coined by Gilbert and Sullivan for their play of the same name first produced in London on November 25, 1882, composed of the Greek elements iole "violet" and anthos "flower," hence "violet flower."
  • ORESTES:  Greek name derived from the word orestias, meaning "of the mountains." In mythology, this is the name of the son of Agamemnon.
  • CHRYSANTHOS:  Greek name composed of the elements chrysos "gold" and anthemon "a flower," hence "golden flower."
  • SOPHIE: French form of Greek Sophia, meaning "wisdom."
  • AMPHIN:  Greek name probably meaning "moving double" or "moving on both sides." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Zeus andAntiope.
  • DOROTHEA: Feminine form of Greek Dorotheos, meaning "gift of God." Compare with another form of Dorothea.
  • DIONYSIA: Feminine form of Greek Dionysios, meaning "follower of Dionysos." 
  • PORPHYRIOS:  Greek name derived from the word porphyra, meaning "purple."
  • TIMON:  Greek name derived from the word time, meaning "honor."
  • ABRAXAS: Greek myth name of one of the horses belonging to the sun god Helios. It is also the name of a demon of lies and deceit. The letters of the name add up to 365, the number of days in the year. It has been found in Greek magical texts and may be related to the word abracadabra which may derive from Aramaic avra kedabra, meaning "I will create as I speak."
  • TIMO:  Feminine form of Greek Timon, meaning "honor." Compare with masculine Timo.
  • ABIOUD:  Greek name meaning "my father is majesty." In the bible, this is the name of the son of Bela.

  • EUDOKIA:  Greek name composed of the elements "good, well," and dokeo "to seem," hence "good-seeming."
  • IAKCHOS: Variant spelling of Greek Iakkhos, meaning "to shout." 
  • ALKAIOS:  Greek name meaning "strength." In mythology, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Perseus.
  • SILAS:  Contracted form of Greek Silouanos, meaning "from the forest." In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Saint Paul. 
  • LEUIS:  Greek name meaning "joined." In the bible, this is the name of the son of Halphaios (Latin Alphaeus), a collector of customs.
  • MELISSA:  Greek name derived from the word melissa, meaning "honey-sap." In mythology, this is the name of a nymph who cared for Zeusin his infancy.
  • SIBYL:  Short form of Greek Sibylla, meaning "prophetess." The sibyls are first mentioned by Heraclitus in the 5th century BC. "The Sibyl, with frenzied mouth uttering things not to be laughed at, unadorned and unperfumed, yet reaches to a thousand years with her voice by aid of the god," originally one of the chthonic earth-goddesses.
  • ARKADIOS:  Greek name meaning "of Arcadia." The place name Arcadia was derived from the word arktos, meaning "bear."
  • EFRAIM:  Variant spelling of Greek Ephraim, meaning "double-land; twin-land."
  • ARCHIPPOS:  Greek name composed of the elements archos "master" and hippos "horse," hence "master of horses."
  • KHRYSES:  Greek myth name of a priest of Apollo, derived from the word khrysos, meaning "golden."
  • PHOSPHOROS:  Greek name meaning "bearer of light." In mythology, this is the name of the personification of the planet Venus. He is also calledEosphoros.
  • LEDA:  Greek name meaning "woman." In mythology, this is the name of the mother of Kastor, Pollux and Helen.
  • PHILYRE:  Greek name meaning "linden tree; lime tree." In mythology, this is the name of an Ocean nymph of Mount Pelion who mothered the centaur Kheiron (Latin Chiron) by Kronos (Latin Cronus).
  • ZONA: Greek name meaning "belt; girdle." Compare with another form of Zona.
  • IASON:  Greek name possibly derived from the word iasthai, meaning "to heal." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Aison and leader of the Argonauts. His Latin name is Jason.
  • IDOUMA:  Greek name derived from Idoumaia, the Greek form of Latin Idumæa, the biblical name of a land south-east of Palestine, meaning "red."
  • ALTHAIA:  Greek name possibly meaning "healing." In mythology, this is the name of the mother of Meleagros.

  • OULIXEUS:  Variant form form of Greek Odysseus, probably meaning "to be angry, to hate."
  • TELAMONION: : Greek name meaning "son of Telamon." In mythology, this is a name belonging to the Greek hero Ajax.
  • TARAS (Greek: , Cyrillic: ): Greek myth name of a son of Poseid�n by the nymph Satyrion, of uncertain origin, possibly from the Indo-European root *ter-, meaning "to cross, to transgress," hence "mutineer, rebel." In use by the Russians and Ukrainians.
  • KLEITOS:  Ancient Greek name derived from the word kleitos, meaning "famous, renowned."
  • Greek form of Egyptian Set, possibly meaning "one who dazzles." In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris. 
  • ANTIOPE:  Greek name probably composed of anti "against, counter" and ops "eyes, face," hence "counter-faced," or "turned eyes." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Ares and Hippolyte (a queen of the Amazons) who was kidnapped and married by Theseus, making her the first Amazon ever to marry. 
  • IOULIA:  Feminine form of Greek Ioulios, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)." In the bible, this is the name of a Christian woman mentioned in Romans 16:15.
  • HILARION:  Greek name derived from the word hilaros, meaning "joyful; happy."
  • AZARIAS:  Greek form of Aramaic/Hebrew Azarya (English Azariah), meaning "help of God."
  • ORIGENES:  Greek name probably composed of oros "mountain" and genes "born," hence "mountain-born." 
  • POSEIDONIOS:  Greek name meaning "of Poseidôn."
  • ZENA: Contracted form of Greek Zenia, meaning "stranger, foreigner," but sometimes rendered "hospitable (esp. to foreigners)."
  • YIORGOS:  Modern form of Greek Georgios, meaning "earth-worker, farmer." 
  • SANACHARIBOS:  Greek form of Akkadian Sinahheeriba, meaning "Sin (the moon god) has taken the place of brothers to me." In the bible, his Hebrew name is Cancheriyb, English Sennacherib. 
  • THERAPON:  Ancient Greek name meaning "servant; worshiper."
  • TRYPHOSA:  Variant form of Greek Tryphaina, meaning "luxurious living; softness." In the bible, this is the name of a certain Christian woman mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:12.
  • SATAN:  Greek form of Hebrew satan, meaning "adversary." In the bible, this is the name of the inveterate enemy of God. In the New Testament, Hebrewsatan is translated once into Greek Diabolos, and once using the word epiboulos, meaning "plotter." This is also the Late Latin and Old English form of Hebrew satan.
  • KLYTAIMNESTRA:  Greek name composed of the elements klytos "famous, praiseworthy," and mnestria "wooing," hence "famous for her suitors." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Agamemnon.

  • PHYLLIDOS:  Masculine form of Greek Phyllis, meaning "foliage."
  • KRONOS:  Greek name meaning "time." In mythology, this is the name of the Titan father of Zeus.
  • ALEXIO:  Short form of Greek Alexios, meaning "defender."
  • POSIDONIOS: Variant spelling of Greek Poseidonios, meaning "of Poseidôn."
  • BARNABAS:  Greek form of Aramaic Barnebhuah, meaning "son of exhortation." In the bible, this is a surname given to Joses by the apostles. He was a native of Cyprus who was a Christian teacher and disciple of Paul.
  • XENON:  Greek name derived from the word xenos, meaning "foreigner; stranger." 
  • KAMBYSES:  Greek name derived from Persian Kambujiya, probably meaning "handsome king."
  • PONTOS:  Greek name meaning "sea." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the sea, the father of Nêreus, Phorkys, and other sea-gods.
  • DEMOSTRATE:  Greek name composed of the elements demou "of the people" and stratos "army," hence "people's army."
  • TARASIOS:  Greek name meaning "of Taras," a city founded by Spartan exiles who named it after Taras, son of Poseid�n; though some say Taras himself founded the city. The Romans called the place Tarentum; today it is called Taranto. 
  • SERGIOS:  Greek form of Latin Sergius, possibly meaning "sergeant."
  • NOE:  Greek form of Hebrew Noach, meaning "rest." In the bible, this is the name of the last antediluvian patriarch, the main character of the flood story. 
  • HYPATIOS:  Variant form of Greek Hypatos, meaning "most high, supreme." 
  • ARIDAIOS:  Greek name of Persian origin, meaning "strong." 
  • POLYKARPOS:  Greek name composed of the elements polys "much" and karpos "fruit," hence "fruitful."
  • AMBROSIOS:  Greek name derived from the word ambrosios, meaning "immortal."
  • OPHIOUCHOS:  Greek name meaning "serpent bearer." This is the name of a constellation depicted as a man supporting a serpent. The man is thought by some to be the demigod Asklepios, who learned the secret of life and death from a serpent and was killed for this by Zeus to prevent him from sharing his knowledge with mankind.
  • KHLORIS:  Greek name, meaning "green buds." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of flowers and vegetation.
  • TERIS:  Pet form of Greek Eleftherios, meaning "the liberator."
  • PLÊIONÊ:  Greek name meaning "more, plenty." In mythology, this is the name of the Okeanid nymph wife of Atlas.
  • AGAPE:  Greek name derived from the word agap, meaning "divine love."
  • PYTHAGORAS:  Greek name composed of the name Pythios "python" and the word agora "market," hence "python market."
  • KALLISTÊ:  Greek name derived from the word kallistos, meaning "most beautiful." In mythology, this is the name of a Haliad nymph, the daughter of the sea god Triton. This is also a surname belonging to Artemis. The Latin forms are Calliste and Callista.
  • PHILIPPOS:  Greek name composed of the elements phil "love" and hippos "horse," hence "lover of horses." In the bible, this is the name of one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, and several other characters.
  • SIMN:  Greek form of Hebrew Shimown, meaning "hearkening." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a sorcerer and a brother of Jesus. 
  • ISOKRATES:  Greek name composed of the elements isos "equal" and kratos "power," hence "equal power."
  • GIA: Variant spelling of Greek Gaia, meaning "earth."
  • LYSISTRATE:  Feminine form of Greek Lysistratos, meaning "liberation army." 
  • AARN:  Greek form of Hebrew Aharon, meaning "light-bringer." In the bible, this is the name of the older brother of Moses. 

  • AKELDAMA:  Greek form of Aramaic qêl dmâ, meaning "field of blood." In the bible, this is the name of the place where Judas Iscariot committed suicide. 
  • ISMÊNÊ:  Greek name derived from the word isme, meaning "knowledge." In mythology, this is the name of the daughter of Oidipous.
  • AMON:  Greek name meaning "builder." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah, son of Manasseh, and father of Josiah. Compare with another form of Amon.
  • SIBYLLA:  Greek name derived from the word sibylla, meaning "prophetess." 
  • PRIAM:  Short form of Greek Priamos, possibly meaning "exceptionally courageous." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Troy.
  • LÊTÔ:  Greek name meaning "the hidden one." In mythology, this is the name of the mother of Apollo and Artemis.
  • ISIDOROS:  Greek name composed of the name of the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Greek word doron "gift," hence "gift of Isis."
  • PALAIMON:  Greek name meaning "wrestler." In mythology, this is the name of a young sea god who aided sailors in distress.
  • AKAKIOS:  Greek name meaning "not evil."
  • ELYSIA:  From Greek Pedion Elysion, the name of the heavenly fields of Elysia, a section of the Underworld mentioned in Greek mythology. The mythological place name may have evolved from the designation of a place, or person, struck by lightning (enelysion, enelysios); if so, the name means "lightning-struck."
  • FOTINI:  Variant spelling of Greek Foteini, meaning "light."
  • PERSEPHONE:  Greek name probably composed of the elements persô "person; human being" and phonos "murderer, slayer," hence "person-slayer." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of the underworld, a daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Her Roman name is Proserpina.
  • SOPHOKLES:  Greek name composed of the elements sophos "clever, skilled" and kleos "glory," hence "skilled-glory."
  • ABRAM: Greek usage of Hebrew Abram, meaning "father of elevation." In use by the English. 
  • AIGLE:  Greek name meaning "radiance, splendor." In mythology, this is the name of several characters, including a goddess of good health.
  • PYTHIAS: Greek name, possibly related to the word pythein, meaning "to rot." In Greek legend, this is the name of a friend of Damon.
  • GOLGOTHA:  Greek name derived from Aramaic gûlgalthâ ("skull"), hence "place of the skull." In the bible, this is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified.
  • PENELOPEIA:  Greek name composed of the elements pene "needle" and lopas "spool," which may denote someone whose motives are hard to decipher, hence "weaver of cunning." In mythology, this is the name of the patient wife of Odysseus who waited ten years for his return during which she refused several proposals of marriage by princes.
  • HIPPOKRATES:  Greek name composed of the elements hippos "horse" and kratos "power," hence "horse power."
  • APOLLONIA: Feminine form of Greek Apollonios, meaning "of Apollo." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a maritime city of Macedonia, about a day's journey from Amphipolis.
  • ALEXANDRA: Feminine form of Greek Alexandros, meaning "defender of mankind."
  • SETHOS:  Greek form of Egyptian Sutekh, possibly meaning "one who dazzles." In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris. 
  • ARISTOMACHE:  Greek name composed of the elements aristos "excellence" and mache "battle," hence "excellent battle."
  • XERXES: Greek form of Persian Xsayarsa, meaning "great warrior" or "lion-king." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Persia. His Hebrew name is Achashverosh. 
  • DORKAS:  Alternate translation of Greek Tabitha, meaning "gazelle." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a woman restored to life by Peter. 
  • ESDRAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Ezra, meaning "help."
  • KORI: Variant spelling of Greek Kore, meaning "maiden."
  • SIMONIDES:  Greek name composed of the elements simós "flat- or snub-nosed" and eidos "kind, type, hence "snub-nosed type."
  • ANDROKLES: Original Greek form of Latin Androcles, meaning "glory of a man/warrior," from andros "of a man/warrior," and kleos "glory."
  • STAMATIS:  Variant spelling of Greek Stamatios, meaning "stop."
  • NATASSA:  Variant spelling of Greek Natása, meaning "resurrection."
  • THANA: Feminine form of Greek Thanatos, meaning "death." Compare with another form of Thana.
  • NABADIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Nedabyah, meaning "whom Jehovah impels." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the father of Hananias.
  • ATREUS:  Greek name meaning fearless." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Mycenae, the father of Agamemnon.
  • PYTHIS:  Contracted form of Greek Pythias, possibly meaning "to rot." This was the name of a noted Greek architect who constructed the temple of Athene at Priene.
  • LALAGE:  Classical Greek name derived from the word lalagein, meaning "to babble." 
  • KALYPSO:  Greek name derived from the word kalypto ("to cover, to conceal"), hence "she who conceals." In mythology, this is the name of a sea nymph and daughter of Atlas.
  • CHARITON:  Greek name meaning "grace, kindness."
  • IPHIGENEIA: Greek name composed of the elements iphios "strong" and genes "born," hence "strong-born." In mythology, this is the name of the daughter of King Agamemnon.
  • THEODOTOS:  Greek name composed of the elements theos "god" and dotos "given," hence "god-given."
  • KLEISTHENES:  Greek name composed of the elements kleos "glory" and sthenos "strength," hence "glorious strength." 
  • HATHOR:  Greek form of Egyptian Het-Heru, meaning "house of Horos."
  • BETHESDA:  Greek name of Aramaic origin, meaning "flowing water" or "house of mercy." In the bible, this is the name of a pool near the sheep-gate at Jerusalem, the waters of which had curative powers. 
  • PHILON:  Greek name derived from the word phileo, meaning "to love."
  • KONSTANTINOS:  Greek form of Roman Latin Constantinus, meaning "steadfast."
  • THEKLA:  Contracted form of Greek Theokleia, meaning "glory of God."
  • IOUDAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Yehuwdah, meaning "praised." In the bible, this is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
  • PATROKLOS:  Greek name composed of the elements patros "of the father" and kleos "glory," hence "glory of the father." In mythology, this is the name of the best friend of Achilles. Both were heroes who fought against the Trojans.
  • EVDOKIA: Variant spelling of Greek Eudokia, meaning "good-seeming."
  • ABRAAM:  Greek form of Hebrew Abraham, meaning "father of a multitude." In the bible, this is the name of the founding patriarch of the Israelites.
  • PHILOMENOS:  Supposedly another spelling for Greek Philomelos, meaning "friend of ease."
  • APOSTOLOS:  Greek name meaning "apostle; messenger." 
  • DELIA:  Greek name meaning "of Delos." In mythology, this is a name borne by Artemis, referring to her place of birth.
  • TISIPHONE:  Greek name composed of the elements tisis "retribution" and phone "murder," hence "murder-retribution." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Erinyes, messengers of ill-omen. Virgil named two others: Megaira "grudge," and Alekto "unceasing."
  • RHEIA:  Variant spelling of Greek Rhea, meaning "ease, flow."
  • MENELAOS:  Greek name composed of the elements meno "to last, withstand" and laos "the people," hence "withstanding the people." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Sparta.
  • AMS:  Greek form of Hebrew Amowts, meaning "strong." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Christ.
  • PHILOMENES:  Perhaps a form of Greek Philomenos, meaning "friend of ease." 
  • DORRIS: Variant spelling of Greek Doris, meaning "bounty" and "unmixed, pure."
  • AOEDE: Variant spelling of Greek Aoide, meaning "to sing."
  • TERENTIOS:  Greek form of Latin Terentius, possibly meaning "rub, turn, twist."
  • PARAMONOS:  Contracted form of Greek Paramonimos, meaning either "constant, enduring" or "beyond Monimos." 
  • ARCHELAOS:  Greek name composed of the elements archos "master" and laos "people," hence "master of the people." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Herod the Great.
  • ZACHARIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Zekaryah, meaning "whom Jehovah remembered." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the father of John the Baptist.
  • KHRYSEIS:  Greek name derived from the word khrysos, meaning "golden." In mythology, this is the name of a Trojan girl mentioned briefly in Homer's Iliad.
  • PHOTINE:  Greek name derived from the word phos, meaning "light."
  • NILEAS:  Greek name of unknown meaning. In mythology, this is the name of a son of Poseidôn and Tyro.
  • APOSTOLIS:  Variant spelling of Greek Apostolos, meaning "apostle; messenger."
  • PEGASOS:  Greek name derived from the word pegaios, meaning "born near the pege (source of the ocean, spring, or well)." In mythology, this is the name of a winged horse who was the son of Poseidôn and the Gorgon Medousa (Latin Medusa), and brother to the giant Khrysaor (Latin Chrysaor). Like Athene, who was born of Zeus's head, Pegasos and Chrysaor are said to have been born of Medusa's neck when Perseus beheaded her. According to Hesiod, everywhere Pegasus struck hoof to earth an inspiring spring burst forth.
  • ZOSIMOS:  Greek name derived from the word zosimos, meaning "likely to survive; survivor."
  • HIPPOLYTOS:  Greek myth name of the son of Theseus, composed of the elements hippos "horse" and lyo "to loosen," hence "horse-freer."
  • MYRINE:  Variant spelling of Greek Myrina, possibly meaning "swiftly bounding."
  • HEMERA:  Greek name meaning "day." In mythology, this is the name of a primeval goddess of day, the daughter of Erebos and Nyx, and sister-wife of Aither.
  • OKYRHOE:  Greek name meaning "fast-flowing." In mythology, this is the name of a Naiad nymph, the daughter of Kheiron (Latin Chiron).
  • ELIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Eliyah, meaning "the Lord is my God." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the prophet who lived during the reign of Ahab.
  • KLYTIÊ: Greek name derived from the word klytos, meaning "famous." In mythology, this is the name of a nymph who was buried alive in sand and transformed into a sunflower.
  • LYDIA:  Greek name meaning "of Lydia." In the bible, this is the name of a woman who was converted to Christianity by Paul.
  • PODARGE:  Greek unisex name meaning "fleet-foot." In mythology, this is the name of several characters: 1) one of the Harpies who was the mother ofBalios and Xanthos; 2) another name for the rainbow goddess Iris; and 3) it was Priam's birth name; he changed it after buying his life from Herakles.
  • METROPHANES:  Ancient Greek name composed of the elements meter "mother" and phanes "appearing," hence "mother-appearing," perhaps in the sense "resembles the mother."
  • LAPIDOS: Variant form of Greek Lapidot, meaning "torches." 
  • RHACHEL:  Greek form of Hebrew Rachel, meaning "ewe." In the bible, this is the name of Jacob's wife.
  • KLEOPHAS: Variant spelling of Greek Kleopas, meaning "glory of the father." In the bible, this is the name of two disciples to whom the risen Jesusappeared at Emmaus.
  • KLEIO:  Greek name derived from the word kleos, meaning "glory." In mythology, this is the name of a muse of poetry and history.
  • AELLAI:  Variant form of Greek Aellô, meaning "whirlwinds."
  • LAMECH:  Greek form of Hebrew Lemek ("powerful"), but perhaps meaning "pauper." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Tubal-Cainand the father of Noe (English Noah). 
  • HESPEROS:  Greek name meaning "evening." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Eos, one of the gods of the evening star Venus, the other being Eosphoros. They were later combined into one god. His Latin name is Vesperus.
  • HELIODOROS:  Greek name composed of the elements helios "sun" and doron "gift," hence "gift of the sun."
  • JOCASTE:  Variant spelling of Greek Iokaste, possibly meaning "violet tinted (clouds)." In mythology, this is the name of the mother and wife of Oidipous. 
  • ERASTOS:  Greek name meaning "beloved." In the bible, this is the name of the chamberlain of the city of Corinth and one of Paul's disciples.
  • LEON:  Greek name derived from the word leon, meaning "lion." In use by the English and Germans. 
  • ELIAKIM:  Greek form of Hebrew Elyaqiym, meaning "God will establish." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the eldest son ofAbiud. 
  • MELINA:  Greek name derived from the word méli, meaning "honey."
  • PLOUTARCHOS:  Greek name composed of the elements ploutos "riches, wealth" and arche "origin, source," hence "source of wealth."
  • IEREMIAS:  Greek form of Hebrew Yirmeyahu, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including one of the six major prophets.
  • HESTIA:  Greek name meaning "altar, hearth, fireside." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of the hearth. Her Roman name is Vesta.
  • ANAKLETOS:  Greek name derived from the word anakletos, meaning "called back; invoked."
  • YANNIS:  Contracted form of Greek Yiannis, meaning "God is gracious." 
  • PHRENICOS: Greek name meaning "intelligent." This is the name of the horse of Hiero of Syracuse that won the Olympic prize for single horses in the seventy-third Olympiad.
  • NOMIKI:  Modern Greek name derived from the word nomikos, meaning "relating to the law."
  • KYROS:  Greek form of Hebrew Kowresh (Persian Kûrush), meaning "like the sun." In the bible, this is the name of the king of Persia, Cyrus the Great, conqueror of Babylon, who freed the captive Jews. 
  • ADONIA: Feminine form of Greek Adonis, meaning "my lord." Compare with masculine Adonia.
  • IAKOB:  Greek form of Hebrew Yaaqob, meaning "supplanter." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of Mary's father-in-law. 
  • AGAMEMNON:  Greek name meaning "very resolute." In mythology, this is the name of the king of Mycenaie and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War. He was the son of King Atreus and brother of Menelaos.
  • GALEN: Masculine form of Greek Galênê, meaning "calm seas." Compare with another form of Galen.
  • TIMAIOS:  Greek name meaning "honor."
  • PHANÊS:  Orphic myth name of the first God to appear at the beginning of creation, derived from the Greek word phaino, meaning "bring to light; make appear." According to Orphic tradition, he passed the scepter of kingship to his only child, Nyx, who passed it on to Ouranos from whom it was seized by Kronos and finally by Zeus who devoured Phanes in order to obtain his primal powers. He has been described as a golden-winged hermaphrodite. 
  • ARISTODEMOS:  Greek name composed of the elements aristos "best, excellent" and demos "the people," hence "best of the people." This was the name of a ruthless tyrant who ruled Elis for six months, exterminating all opposition and stealing their properties. He was finally assassinated; the Eleans erected a statue at Olympia to Kylon, the man who killed him. 
  • ASTARTE:  Greek name meaning "star." In mythology, this is the name name of a goddess of fertility and war.
  • AMPELIOS:  Greek name derived from the word ampelos, meaning "vine."
  • KALLISTRATES:  Variant form of Greek Kallistratos, meaning "beauty-army."
  • ARKTOPHONOS:  Greek name composed of the elements arktos "bear" and phonos "murderer, slayer," hence "bear-killer." In mythology, this is the name of one of Orion's dogs.
  • DIODOTOS:  Greek name composed of the elements Dios "god, Zeus" and dotes "giver," hence "giver of Zeus."
  • YORGOS:  Contracted form of Greek Yiorgos, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  • BASILEUS:  Variant form of Greek Vasilios, meaning "king." 
  • ABEIRON:  Greek form of Hebrew Abiyram, meaning "my father is exalted." In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite, and the name of a son of Eliab who joined Korah in his rebellion against Moses. This spelling is rarely used. Abiron is used in the Septuagint.
  • TRITON:  Greek name derived from the word tritos, meaning "of the third." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Poseid�n, a sea god and messenger of the deep.
  • ORION:  Greek name, probably meaning "mountain man." But some sources say that the name may actually be of Akkadian origin; if so, it means "light of heaven." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Titan gods, a primordial hunter who was killed by a scorpion. A constellation was named after him. Orion had two dogs; their names were: Arktophonos and Ptoophagos. 
  • ALKANDROS:  Greek name meaning "strong." In mythology, this is the name of the man who chased the lawgiver Lykourgos out of a marketplace and put out one of his eyes.
  • EVGENIA: Modern form of Greek Eugeneia, meaning "well born."
  • KALLIOPE:  Greek name composed of the elements kallos "beauty" and ops "voice," hence "beautiful voice." In mythology, this is the the name of the muse of epic poetry.
  • LOUP: French form of Latin Lupus, meaning "wolf."
  • XENOCRATES:  Greek name composed of the elements xenos "foreign, strange," and kratos "power," hence "foreign power."
  • ANIKETOS:  Original Greek form of Latin Anicetus, meaning "unconquerable." 
  • SPARTAKOS:  Greek name meaning "from Sparta." This is the name of a Greek slave who lead an uprising against the Roman Republic.
  • EMMANOUEL:  Greek form of Hebrew Immanuw'el, meaning "God is with us." In the New Testament bible, this is a name given to Christby Matthew.
  • EUPHROSYNÊ:  Greek name meaning "joy, mirth." In mythology, this is the name of one of the three Graces.
  • TIMO:  Short form of Greek Timon, meaning "honor." Compare with another form of Timo.
  • NIKIAS:  Ancient Greek name derived from the word nike, meaning "victory."
  • OLYMPIA:  From the Greek place name, a feminine form of Greek Olympos ("home of the gods"), meaning "of Olympus." 
  • AGATHIAS:  Greek name derived from the word agathos, meaning "good."
  • EUADNE:  Greek name composed of the elements eu "good, well" and adnos "holy," hence "good and holy." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of Kapaneus who burned herself alive on her husband's pyre. 
  • EUTROPIOS:  Greek name derived from the word eutropos meaning "versatile."
  • STEFANOS:  Variant spelling of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  • PHORTOUNATOS:  Greek form of Latin Fortunatus, meaning "fortunate; happy; well freighted." In the bible, this is the name of a man who, along withAchaïkos and Stephanos, carried a letter from the Corinthians to Paul and back again.
  • THEA: Short form of Greek and Latin Dorothea, meaning "gift of God." Compare with another form of Thea.
  • PALINOUROS: Greek name composed of the elements palin "back, contrary" or "new" and ouros "storm, wind" or "mountain," hence possibly "contrary wind" or "new mountain." In mythology, this is the name of the pilot of Aineías's boat.
  • DEMETRIOS:  Greek name derived from the name of the goddess Demeter ("earth mother"), meaning "loves the earth" or "follower ofDemeter."
  • PAN:  Greek name derived from the word pa-on, meaning "herdsman." In mythology, this is the name of a god of shepherds and flocks, who had the horns, hindquarters and legs of a goat.
  • NERINE: Feminine form of Greek Nêreus, meaning "daughter of Nereus" or "sea sprite" or "wet one." It is also the name of a genus of plants native to South Africa but now spread worldwide. It is a bulb plant that produces beautiful pink funnel-shaped flowers in the fall, similar to the Belladonna Lily, though smaller. In use by the English.
  • SOTIRIS:  Greek name meaning "salvation."
  • TITAN:  According to Diodoros, the Titans were named after their mother Titaia, meaning "fire; to burn." Hesiod derives the name from titaino, "straining." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a sun god, the brother of Helios, and the name of a race of giants. It is also the name of the largest moon of the planet Saturn.
  • DAMIANOS:  Greek named derived from the element daman, meaning "to tame, to subdue" and euphemistically "to kill." Related to Damon.
  • IVA: Variant spelling of Greek Eva, meaning "life." Compare with other forms of Iva.
  • AMINTA: Variant spelling of Greek Amynta, meaning "defender." Compare with another form of Amynta.
  • ARISTODEME:  Greek name composed of the elements aristos "excellence" and demos "the people," hence "excellence of the people." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Priam, king of Troy.
  • MNASON:  Greek name, possibly meaning "remembering." In the bible, this is the name of a Christian from Cyprus whom Paul stayed with in Jerusalem.
  • SYNTYCHE:  Greek name meaning "common fate" or "with fate." In the bible, this is the name of a woman belonging to the church at Philippi mentioned by Paul in one of his epistles.
  • NIKEPHOROS:  Ancient Greek unisex name composed of the elements nike "victory" and phoreo "to bear/carry," hence "victory-bearer."
  • SPYRO:  Short form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit."
  • BARBARA:  Greek name derived from the feminine form of the word barbaros, once used to refer to the unintelligible chatter of foreigners which sounded like "bar-bar" to the Greeks, hence "foreign; strange." 
  • ZAKKHAIOS:  Variant spelling of Greek Zakchaios, meaning "clean, innocent." 
  • ORPHEUS:  Greek name derived either from orbhao "deprived" or orphe "darkness." In mythology, this is the name of a musician who charmed Haides with his lyre in an attempt to rescue his wife from the underworld.
  • MOUSES: Variant spelling of Greek Moyses, meaning "drawn out." In the bible, this is the name of the leader who brought the Israelites out of bondage and led them to the promised land. 
  • HYAKINTHOS:  Greek name meaning "hyacinth flower." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower sprouted from his blood.
  • AISOPOS:  Original Greek form of Latin Æsop, the name of the author of Æsop's Fables, said to be a hump-backed slave of African descent; therefore, the name has taken on the meaning "hump-backed," but in Greek it means "Ethiop." 
  • SOL: Short form of Greek Solomn, meaning "peaceable." Compare with another form of Sol.
  • ZENOBIOS:  Masculine form of Greek Zenobia, meaning "life of Zeus." 
  • ASKLEPIOS:  Greek name meaning "surgeon." In mythology, this is the name of a demigod who learned the secret of life and death from a serpent.
  • ANATOLIOS:  Greek name derived from the word anatole, meaning "east" and "sunrise."
  • BARTHOLOMAIOS:  Greek form of Aramaic bar-Talmai, meaning "son of Talmai." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of one of the twelve apostles.
  • MELEAGROS:  Greek name derived from the word meleagris, meaning "pheasant." In mythology, this is the name of the son of Althaia andOineus.
  • EUPHÊMÊ:  Greek name composed of the elements eu "good, well" and phemi "I speak," hence "Well I speak." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of good omen, praise, and shouts of triumph.
  • GERASIMOS:  Greek name derived from the word geras, meaning "old age."
  • PHOIBOS:  Greek name meaning "shining one." In mythology, this is a byname for the sun and for the god Apollo.
  • EUTERPE:  Greek name meaning "delight." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Muses fathered by Zeus, known as the "giver of pleasure."
  • KALLIKRATES:  Greek name composed of the elements kallos "beauty" and kratos "power," hence "beauty-power."
  • ANTIPAS:  Contracted form of Greek Antipatros, meaning "like the father." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a Christian of Pergamos who suffered martyrdom. 
  • GALÊNÊ:  Greek name meaning "calm seas." In mythology, this is the name of a sea nymph and goddess of calm seas.
  • ZOTIKOS:  Greek name derived from the word zotikos, meaning "full of life."
  • KYRIAKOS:  Greek name meaning "of the lord."
  • LAVRA: Greek name meaning "an alley, a passage." Compare with another form of Lavra.
  • AISKHÚLOS:  Greek name derived from the word aischos, meaning "shame."
  • PILATOS:  Greek name, possibly meaning "armed with a javelin or pilum," or perhaps contracted from pileatus, meaning "wearing the felt cap." Either way, like Torquatus, the name describes the badge of a slave. In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the fifth (or sixth) Procurator of the Roman emperor in Judea and Samaria. Although he saw that Jesus was innocent, he feared that the Jews would bring an accusation against him before Cæsar for the wrongs he had done them, so he delivered him up to be crucified.
  • PANOS:  Pet form of Greek Panagiotis, meaning "all-holy."
  • PHILOMEL:  Short form of Greek Philomela, meaning "sweet singer; nightingale."
  • VASILIOS:  Greek name meaning meaning "king."
  • HOMEROS:  Greek name derived from the word homeros, meaning "hostage."
  • LADON: Greek name of unknown meaning. In mythology, this is the name of a river god, and the name of a hundred-headed dragon who guarded the garden of the Hesperides. The Ladon was supposed to be a cleansing river.
  • PALLAS:  Greek unisex name derived from the word pallô, meaning "to brandish a weapon." In mythology, this is the name of many characters in Greek mythology: a son of Euandros (Latin Evander); a giant son of Ouranos (Latin Uranus) and Gaia; a Titan son of Krios (Latin Crius) and Eurybia; the father of the 50 Pallantids; a daughter of Triton; and it is an epithet of Athene. 
  • YANNI: Variant spelling of Greek Yianni, meaning "God is gracious." Compare with another form of Yanni.
  • GG:  Greek form of Hebrew Gowg, meaning "mountain." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the king of Magog who will come from the north and attack the land of Israel.
  • NIKATOR:  Greek name meaning "the conqueror."
  • AGATHANGELOS:  Ancient Greek name composed of the elements agathos "good" and angelos "angel," meaning "good angel."
  • ADELFA:  Variant spelling of Greek Adelpha, meaning "born of the same womb; sibling."
  • ANDONIS:  Contracted form of Greek Andonios, possibly meaning "invaluable." 
  • TELAMONIAN: Variant spelling of Greek Telamonion, meaning "son of Telamon."
  • MYRINA:  Greek name possibly meaning "swiftly bounding." In mythology, this is the name of a warrior queen of the Amazons who defeated the people of Atlantis.
  • SOUSÁNNA:  Greek name derived from Hebrew shuwshan, meaning "lily." In the bible, this is the name of a woman who ministered toChrist. 
  • PARAMONIMOS:  Ancient Greek name possibly derived from the word paramone, meaning "constant, enduring," or composed of para "beside, beyond" and the name Monimos "to be favorable, pleasing." In ancient Greece there was a slave contract known as the paramone; though of limited duration, it was the most restrictive type of slavery, giving the master absolute rights.
  • FOTIS:  Contracted form of Greek Fotios, meaning "light."
  • PAULOS:  Greek form of Latin Paulus, meaning "small." In the bible, this is the name of the author of the 14 epistles of the New Testament.
  • IOAKEIM:  Greek form of Hebrew Yehowyaqiym, meaning "Jehovah raises up." 
  • MATHTHIAS:  Contracted form of Greek Mattathias, meaning "gift of God." In the bible, this is the name of the apostle who took the place ofJudas Iscariot.
  • PRAXITELES:  Greek name composed of the elements praxis "action, exercise, practice," and telos "aim, goal."
  • ARGYRIS:  Variant spelling of Greek Argyros, meaning "silvery."
  • KOSMOS:  Greek name derived from the word kosmos, meaning "beauty, order."
  • PAMPHILOS:  Ancient Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and philos "friend," hence "friend of all."
  • MARKOS:  Greek form of Latin Marcus, meaning "defense" or "of the sea." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the author of the second Gospel.
  • ANTHOUSA:  Greek name derived from the word anthos, meaning "flower." In mythology, this is the name of a type of flower nymph.
  • SEMELE:  Greek name meaning "of the earth (or underworld)." In mythology, this is the name of a daughter of Kadmos (Latin Cadmus), the mortal mother of Dionysos. Also known as Thyone.
  • XENOPHON:  Greek name composed of the elements xenos "foreign, strange" and phone "voice," hence "foreign voice."
  • PELAGIA:  Feminine form of Greek Pelagios, meaning "of the sea."
  • ACHIM (, ): Greek name believed to probably be a form of Jehoiakim, meaning "Jehovah raises up." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Jesus. The name is not mentioned in the Old Testament. In use in Germany.
  • STEPHANOS:  Greek name derived from the word stephanos, meaning "crown." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews. 
  • KAÏN:  Greek form of Hebrew Qayin ("acquired, possessed"), meaning "maker; fabricator," or literally "smith." In the bible, this is the name ofAdam and Eve's first son who killed his brother Abel. 
  • ATHAMAS:  Greek name meaning "rich harvest." In mythology, this is the name of the father of Phrixos.
  • NEPHELÊ:  Greek name meaning "cloud." In mythology, this is the name a goddess of the clouds and mother of the centaurs.
  • HELLEN:  Greek name meaning "Greek." In mythology, this is the name of the patriarch of the Hellenes, son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, father ofAeolos, Xuthus, Doros, and Ionas, each of whom founded a tribe of Greece and all became known as the Hellenes. 
  • NEOPTOLEMOS:  Greek name composed of the elements neos "new" and polemos "war," hence "new war." In mythology, this is the name of the son of Achilles. He is also known as Pyrrhos.
  • BAKCHOS:  Greek name derived from the word iacho, meaning "to shout," i.e. "noisy, riotous." In mythology, this is a name applied toDionysos, a god of revelry and the intoxicating power of wine. 


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