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What Does My Name Mean

There's a lot more behind your name than you might think. Answer the following ... My name but when I put my real name nothing comes up.


I used to wonder 'what does my name mean'?. That is until I searched on the net and found this what does my name mean . Here is a list of boys and girls What Does My Name Mean:

KYRYLO male Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of CYRIL

KYUNG male & female Korean
Variant transcription of GYEONG

KYVELI female Greek
Modern Greek form of CYBELE

a1... a2... a3... a4... a5... a6... a7... b1... b2... b3... b4... c1... c2... c3... c4... d1... d2... d3... e1... e2... e3... e4... f1... f2... f3... g1... g2... g3... h1... h2... h3... i1... i2... j1... j2... j3... k1... k2... k3... k4... l1... l2... l3... l4... m1... m2... m3... m4... m5... m6... n1... n2... n3... o1... o2... p1... p2... p3... q1... r1... r2... r3... r4... s1... s2... s3... s4... s5... t1... t2... t3... t4... u1... v1... v2... w1... x1... y1... z1