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List of Small Heavy Objects

Belonging to a syntactic category or having a semantic feature that is characteristic of words denoting objects, concepts


List of Small Heavy Objects - they are heavy and they are tiny. I am going to list those items once.

  1. Bags of Rice
  2. Cutlery
  3. Standard Bag of Onions
  4. Bottle of Salad Dressing
  5. Bag of Flour
  6. Standard Bag of Potatoes
  7. Cartons of Soy Milk
  8. Cans of Soup or Beans
  9. Medium Pumpkin
  10. Large Bag of Rice
  11. Bag of Pet Food
  12. Fridge-Door Ketchup Bottle
  13. Bag of Oranges
  14. Bottle of Vinegar
  15. Bag of Apples
  16. Gallon of Water or Milk