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Generation Names

How Generations Get Their Names. Millennials weren't always Millennials.

Each generation has different likes, dislikes, and attributes.

Lost Generation

The term lost generation is often applied to those who reached young adulthood during and just after the First World War, due to the high proportion of the population that perished in the war and the directionless, aimless life led by some post-war. The term is often used more broadly to refer to any generation that has ‘lost’ its values or morals, etc. 

1890 1915

Greatest Generation/G.I. Generation.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the Greatest Generation refers to the ‘generation of Americans reaching adulthood during the Second World War (1939–45)’. While evidence exists for greatest generation being used to refer to these men and women during the Second World War, Greatest Generation as a moniker was more or less coined by journalist Tom Brokaw in his 1998 book The Greatest Generation. This generation is also sometimes known as the G.I. Generation.

  • Born 1901-1926.
  • Children of the WWI generation & fighters in WWII & young in the Great Depression…all leading to strong models of teamwork to overcome and progress.
  • Their Depression was The Great One; their war was The Big One; their prosperity was the legendary Happy Days.
  • They saved the world and then built a nation.
1910 1925


Silent Generation

The silent generation is composed of the Americans born between the mid-1920s and the early 1940s. Due to the effects of the Great Depression and World War II on the birth rate, this generation had a much smaller population that those that followed. The term silent generation first appeared in a 1951 essay in Time magazine, with reference to their silence during the McCarthy era and their willingness to assimilate into the social order.

  • Born 1927- 1945.
  • Went through their formative years during an era of suffocating conformity, but also during the postwar happiness: Peace! Jobs! Suburbs! Television! Rock ‘n Roll! Cars! Playboy Magazine!
  • Korean and Vietnam War generation.

1923 1944


Beat Generation

While there are doubts about the etymology of this sense of beat, it seems pretty straightforward where the term beat generation came from. In a 1948 conversation with writer John Clellon Holmes, Jack Kerouac is noted as having spoken of a ‘beat generation’.

Baby boomers

The most famous American generational cohort, the baby boomers or the boomers refer to the generation born during the ‘baby boom’ following World War II, usually in the period between 1945 and 1960. The term baby boom, referring to a conspicuous rise in childbirth, has been in American English since the late 19th century.

  • Born between 1946 and 1964. Two sub-sets:
  • 1. the save-the-world revolutionaries of the ’60s and ’70s;
  • and 2. the party-hardy career climbers (Yuppies) of the ’70s/’80s.
  • The “me” generation.
1945 1964

Generation X

Although Generation X is generally used to refer to the generation of North Americans reaching adulthood in the 1980s and 1990s, the term itself is a few decades older. The termGeneration X can be traced back to as early as the 1950s, when it was used more broadly to refer to a ‘generation of young people about whose future there is uncertainty’.

  • The “latch-key kids” grew up street-smart but isolated, often with divorced or career-driven parents. Latch-Key came from the house key kids wore around their neck, because they would go home from school to an empty house.
  • Entrepreneurial.
  • Very individualistic.
1961 1981

Generation Y

In an alphabetically sensible move, the generation loosely following Generation X is often known as Generation Y. Thought to hold attitudes and values in contrast to those of Generation X, Generation Y is also a much larger cohort than the preceding Generation X. Because many members of Generation Y are the children of baby boomers, the cohort is also known as echo boomers, referring to those born between the late 1970s and the early 1990s.

1975 1995


The term millennial, referring to the generation entering adulthood around the turn of the 21stcentury, has been around since the early 1990s. It dates from the 1991 book Generationsby William Strauss and Neil Howe, which covers their theory of social generations, now known as the ‘Strauss-Howe generational theory’. Strauss and Howe have gone on to write several books about the social impact of the millennials.

1980 1994

Generation Z

Generation Z (commonly abbreviated to Gen Z, also known as iGeneration or in the USA Homeland Generation) is the generational cohort following the Millennials. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to mid-2000s and ending birth years ranging from the late 2000s to mid-2020s.

A significant aspect of this generation is its widespread usage of the internet from a young age. Members of Generation Z are typically thought of as being comfortable with technology, and interacting on social media websites for a significant portion of their socializing. Some commentators have suggested that growing up through the Great Recession has given the cohort a feeling of unsettlement and insecurity.

1995 ---

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