The Contestants

Name: Joe DeNicholas
Age: 27
Favorite Music Style: Hardcore Trance, Alternative POP, Dark Metal
Influences: Skylab 2000, ColdPlay, Tool
Name: Mary Beth Yurko
Age: 26.5
Favorite Music Style: Motown
Influences: Springsteen, Van Morrison, James Taylor, Paul Simon, Micheal
Jackson's Thriller, New Kids on the Block and other boy bands, brief college
obsession w/ Dave Matthews, Theta Beta Potatoes inspired punk influence.
Name: Matt & Allie Batt
Age: 26 & 28
Favorite Music Style: 80's Rock
Influences: Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) & Kenny Rogers (Kenny Rogers)
Name: Jason Phillips
Age: 27
Fav Music Style: Rock
Influences: Paper and Scissors
Name: Shea Nimocks
Age: 28
Favorite Music Style: '80s Metal
Influences: Everything except for new country