d g a (start with no guitar and say 'MY' - and then kick in

My mom forgot her password, and she can’t find the forget password link
Fat fingered the verification code --- and might be locked out I think

!! MUSIC --- A e d e


my uncle has 3 Virus scans - and he has all 3 constantly running
now it takes 5 minutes to download - 1 web page its so annoying


If you plan on calling  me -  here is my advice
If you plan on calling  me -  here is my advice


I say Shut it off
and Flip it right back on


My aunt Found an article , that she thought I would want to see
She printed and then scanned it , and E-mailed it to me


!! MUSIC --- A e d e


My dad joined the zoom call, he asks if anyone Can now hear me?
its echoing - but we can hear you , he asks can anyone see me?


if your phone is broke, i'm the one that you can't call
if your computer is broke you wont be emailing me all
if your ipads toast - you really want my 2 cents

just to sure to ask again


again AGAIN again again again again
againna ganna ganna



d a e d
d e a




g d a


d g a




Da da e




A e d e