Hello. Dr. Odd here. I met Mike when he started working at Focal a few years ago. He is a real nice guy and I am glad he still is at Focal and joins us for lunch where we talk about the Cubs and the Bears. He also plays a lot of softball and I respect that. You can drop him a line here. Mike Warkentin

When were you born? Where?

Sept. 20, 1976 in La Grange, IL

What is the 1st thing you want to do when you get home from work or when you wake up on the weekends?

I let out my new Yellow Lab waiting by the door.

Who would you like to pattern yourself after?

My old man

What is your favorite vacation spot?

St. Johns Island - Beaches are unbelievable

If you could get paid the same amount of $ at your current job and do anything, what would it be?

Play 16 inch softball

If you found $200 in the trash and you had to spend it that day, what would you do with it?

Stock my fridge with a few cases of Coors Light. Go out for a steak dinner and then head to the bar.

What kind of music you like the most and why?

Buffet, Reggae, Country - Relaxing

Who have you been most influenced by and why?

My grandparents because they are so generous.

What makes you cry?


What is your favorite town or state in the United States?

Saint Germain, WI (Northwoods)

What do you usually eat for dinner?

Grilled Chicken, Pasta, Steak, Spaghetti

What is your favorite website?


If you had to hear 1 album for the rest of your life what would it be?

Jimmy Buffet Hits

What do you do for $?

Price Phone Service

What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?

First Smile and then Body

Dogs or cats?

Dogs - Labs

What is your favorite sports team?

Cubs & Bears

You got any Tattoos?

Not Yet.

Do you use styling products in your hair?

Crew - Paste

What is your favorite cartoon character?

Haven't watched them in years.

Got any nick-names? What do they mean or how did you get them?

Wark - Short for my last name

What is your salad dressing of choice?

Light Garlic Ranch

What is your favorite fast food place? What do you order there?

Portillos - Beef with cheeze

What is your favorite booze beverage?

Jack & Coke

What is the one thing people say about you the most?

I'm always smiling.

What do you think people say are some of your most virtuous qualities?

Very open to trying new things.

What do you think people say are some of your vices?

I get stressed out sometimes.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

People that keep their Christmas Lights on all year long. My neighbor has them on his garage and I'm hiring some kids to destroy them.

next q&a - Bridgett