Football Cheers

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Football Cheers


NEW Panther fans clap your hands
We wanna "T" "D"

Big G and a little O!
Go Vikings go!

Come on defense, don't you slack. Intercept that quarterback!

Hold that line! Hold that line!

You can run, but you can't hide, our defense just tanned your backside!

Come do our touchdown dance
Take a chance
We will move you 

Titans run up the score 
and score 6 more! 

Rockets let's score let's score
push it through (pause) for 6 more

Kick (clap) Kick (clap) 
kick that ball (clap)

Pass attack quarterback 
move that ball (clap)

Running back 
run it back 
for a touch down

we're the best 
score 6 more

T-O-U-C-H-D-O-W-N, Touchdown Thunder go x, Go Fight Win

T-D we want a x TOUCHDOWN

FIRST and ten, do it again GO GO!!

We want a 1st down 1st down
Push the team (pause) out of town

We want 6 (clap) We want 6 (clap) 

Touchdown Team Let's Score    
Touchdown score 6 more! 

T D we want a touch down X T D we want a touch down X 

First and ten ,yell go, fight, win X

Touch D O W N , touchdown, let's win X

T-O-U-C-H D-O-W-N touchdown by the Indians Go, Fight, Win!

Six points over the line, Middies offense lookin' fine!

We, we want, a touchdown Cougars

Touch- down, Bulldogs we want 6 more!

That ball is ours
Throw it to Mars
Take that ball
Take that ball away,
And score (clap, clap)
Six more!

Grab that pigskin,
Drive it home,
Run that pigskin
To the zone!
Oink. Touchdown!
Oink. Score!

Score 6 (2) again, We want to win, Steelers, score 6 (2)!

Move that ball, On down the field, Score six more

Ten yards, ten more yards,
For our team, it's not hard!
Give me a T-O-U-C-H-D-O-W-N!
Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!

Touch-down, move in let's score

Touch-down, move in let's score

T-o-u-c-h, D-o-w-n, Touch down right now, Touchdown right now hey

We, we want a touchdown X Trojans X

Beat those Rockets!
Beat those Rockets and fight
Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!

The goal with this chant is to get the crowd shouting "touchdown." You may want to assign a couple of cheerleaders to hold signs with the words and encourage the crowd to shout with you.

The end zone is what we're looking for!
So come on Vikings!
Take that ball and score!

Block that score!
Block that score!
Zero yards,
Zero yards,
Not one more!

End zone, end zone, here we come! Goin' to the end zone 'cuz we're number one! (To use when a player makes a fast break with lots of yards to make it to the end zone.)

(Stomp-stomp,stomp-stomp, stomp-stomp-stomp) Faster, faster to the end

Take that ball, take that ball, take that ball away
And score!

Hey you Viking team!
Let's move it and get to it!
Come on Vikes!
You do it!

Run that ball (stomp)
Catch that throw (clap)
Let's get to it!
Get to it
And we will,
Break, break, break
Break through it!

Hey crowd!
Get excited!
Cheer for the green and gold!

Tomcat defense on the move,
Get the ball
Get in the groove!

Hey fans!
Let's shout!
Scream green and gold!
Get in the groove!

Hey Bulldogs!
Tighten up that line
Block that quarterback,
Hold tight!


Rockets defense push 'em back,
Way back
And sack that quarterback!

Rockets defense
Attack, attack
And get our ball back!

Let's take that ball away!
I said, take that ball
Take that ball
Take that ball away,
And score (clap, clap)
Six more!

Touchdown X Wildcats We want 6 XXX

First and Ten Get to It,Wildcats Just Do It

TD XX TD XX Wildcats want a touchdown XX

You're ready and set
Take that ball over the line,
You bet!
First and ten
First and ten
Do it again!

Bulldogs offense (clap)!
Let's get to it!
Get to it
And we will,
Break, break, break
Break through it!

Touchdown X Wildcat Team Down the field, Let's go D

Move the ball, X down the field. Move the ball, Let's Score

Touch X Down XX We want It X We Want It!

NEW Be the best 
Beat the rest
Move that ball

NEW Push it in for the win
We wanna touch down

NEW Hey yo What do you know
touchdown let's go let's go

NEW 6 more for the score
let's beat those Cats

NEW Make some noise for the boys
we wanna "T" "D"

Hey Offense.. What? What?
Hey Offense.. What? What?
Hey Offense.. What? What?
Move that Ball 

Touchdown let's score let's score
Touchdown let's score 6 more 

Up in the stands
Common fans
We Can't Hear You! 

Tear it up, Bulldogs, Off-ense score, Six points more

First x and ten x Do it again, FIRST AND TEN

Let's score (p), Score Bulldogs, Six more

Come on Vikings
Show your spirit
Viking crowd,
Let's hear it!

Control, Control
What is the key
To a Viking victory?!
Control, Control!
Get that ball!

Keep it up!
Come on!
Keep that Viking
Spirit up!

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, that's how we do the warrior cry. (Repeat three times, and then you can give a warrior cry.)

We're the best, we can't be beat. We will never accept defeat!

Come on Vikings
We're in it to win it
Viking crowd,
Show your spirit!

Dedicated, motivated, we will not be underrated. We will have victory!

First down, first down, on our way to a touchdown!

Passing play, running play, anyway we'll have our way - Vic-to-ry!

Our team cannot be beat!
We won't accept defeat!
Give the football up!
You're gonna get whooped!
You're gonna get whooped!

D-E-F-E-N-S-E, take that ball away for a victory!

Go Home. Pack Up. Gonna make you give that football up!

Intercept, intercept, get the ball back and go on the attack!

Shut 'em down, shut 'em down, come on defense shut 'em down!

Kick that ball! Kick that ball!

Fi-eld goal, fi-eld goal, fi-eld goal!

Kick it in for an extra point! Kick it in for an extra point!

Don't you be like Charlie Brown, kick that ball high off the ground!

Touchdown, touchdown, give us a touchdown! C'mon blue and white (insert your school colors), we want a touchdown!

Score, score. we need six points more!

When our players hit the ground, the other team is going down!

It's on, it's on, like a bad dress at the prom. Our team will stomp all over yours, and get our big win on!

Dedicated to domination, we're the (team name) football nation!

Fire it up (clap-clap), take control (clap-clap), domination (clap-clap), that's our goal!(clap-clap)

Prepare to feel the heat, we will not accept defeat!

Check out the score
(Yeah) we want some more
(Yeah) we ain't needy, needy
We're just greedy, greedy!

Run that ball past the next yard line. Don't you stop, you're doin' fine.

Run receiver run! Run receiver run! Make it to the end zone, run receiver run!

No one can, no one can, throw the ball like our quarterback can!

Hey Patriots, (team name)
We're back to fight with pride,
So step aside,
Yell Go, Fight, Win,
Hey (other team)
We're back to attack,
We'll show no slack,
Hey fans,
We're back to fight with all our might,
Yell Red, Blue and White! (3 team colors)
Yell Red, Blue and White! (3 team colors)
Go Patriots! (team name).

Attack that quarterback
Attack that quarterback
Attack that quarterback
with eye to eye contact!
(repeat 3x)

Knock 'em down
Roll 'em around
Come on defense work, work!

Falcons score!
Let's score six (pause)
Score six! (pause)
Falcon team!
Score six more!
We want a first down!
We want a first down!
Come on Falcons!
Gain some ground!
Falcons score!
Let's score six (clap)
Score six!

Raise that score xx 6 more!

Pass it, Catch it, Score for 6, Do it Falcons, That's it!

Move it on down, Move it on down, Move it on down, For a touchdown

Down the field, Down the field, Score 6!! (XXXX)

It's first and ten!
Do it
Hut, hut



Football Cheers

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