Softball Awards

1) The Mullet that took the best lickin' and kept on tickin'.


Buck for getting his head gashed in with a rock thrown by some 8 year old kids - required hospital visit.

Batt for having his kneecaps blown out, 3 different times

Vidos for getting plowed over at home by a 310 pound guy

The Mully for the Mullet that took the best lickin' and kept on tickin' goes to Matt Batt

2) Mullet that sucked, then got better, then got good.


Jay Hoover

Coach Ed

Matt Batt

The Mully goes to Jay Hoover and accepting the Mully for Jay is Z

3) Best Lead Vocals


Joe Huba for "That's bullshit ump."

Buck for "Ennnhh"

John Schalk for "This buddy of mine . . ."

The Mully goes to Joe Hubeny for "That's bullshit ump

4) The biggest hunk on the Mullets - the Mullet that should get more Fem Mullet tail.





The Mully goes to Roman